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Thursday, December 15, 2011

US Mulling Sale Of Armed Drones To India, Allies

US is eyeing to sell its battle proved armed drones to key allies,
including India, but the move is being opposed by lawmakers who don't
want the technology to be exported.

"The Pentagon wants more North Atlantic Treaty Organization members to
have such pilotless aircraft to ease the burden on the US in
Afghanistan and in future conflicts like the alliance's air campaign
in Libya this year," Obama

Administration officials were quoted by The Wall Street Journal as saying.

It is believed that India would be one of the potential target
countries for the US to sell its drones.

India has been purchasing drones from Israel for quite some time now,
and has been developing its drone capabilities, but does not have
armed drones like the Predators and Reapers used by US security
agencies with devastating effect against al-Qaeda and Taliban targets
in Pakistan.

"The Pentagon's proposed sales have set off a behind-the-scenes debate
between the administration and some members of Congress over whether
the US should speed the spread of a technology that will allow other
countries to carry out military strikes by remote control," the report

Drones have been highly successful in the war against terrorism in
Afghanistan and Pakistan and also in countries like Yemen and Somalia.

However, the report some lawmakers are resisting to such a move from
the Administration.

"There are some military technologies that I believe should not be
shared with other countries, regardless of how close our partnership,"
said Senate Intelligence Committee Chairwoman Dianne Feinstein.


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